My friend (Sarah) and I would like to have a nice dinner di malam2 minggu ini. So I proposed to go to the Big Plate restaurant. Have you been to this restaurant?

For both of us, this is our first timer. Kekeke.. Slalu dok nmpak kalu lalu lalang kat area neh. Tapi, xpernah singgah. Location, agak mencabar, since jalan en route ke area tue is under construction. Deco, simple giler but comfy (mb leh improve kitchen area).

So, we order.. I am not so hungry (sbb baru balik makan kat IOI Palm Garden).. But Sarah is. So, me opt for something yg akan disediakan in a small portion. (Guys, the plate there is HUGE ok. And so does the servings apparently..)
Belek punya belek, I decided to have lasagna + mango juice.
Sarah plak, seafood spagetthi + iced lemon tea.

The iced lemon tea (kurang ice) and mango juice~~

Besau tue cawan die. Me so lurve mango juice & luckily, the juice here is freshly blended and paling penting bukan cordial ok. Thumbs up!

My order is here! ...The lasagna...

Cool presentation sei. Especially the salad. Hehehe.. Definitely NOT a small portion after all. The taste... Well, sungguh x sama wiv typical lasagna using tomato puree, seafood filler etc. This is kinda different. Not sure what it is. Maybe because I am not that hungry, so.. I can't actually give a good crits here.. I love the salad so much tough..

Sarah's order is here... the seafood spagetthi~~

I definately love the garlic bread! Hehehe... The presentation is not as cool as mine, but still, plenty of udang and kepah in it. Sarah seems to enjoy them all.. I like the sauce. But still, not really 'into' it.. perut konyang~~

Sarah manage to finish up her spaghetti. Me? Lalalala.. Can not go lah~
Bukan x sodap.. Tapi no space sudeh dlm perutku..
Maybe next time. Make sure pergi pabila betul2 lapau! Kekeke..

All in all... we have a fun dinner di malam minggu~~


Unknown said...

ratna aku suka bangat big plate ni..last time ader kt south city plaza sri kembangan, then tutup sbb xlaku.. nk pg subang jauh la..

try dier nya ayam shah alam..sedap

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