Aidilfitri = B.E.S.T

0 comments Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tak berkesempatan mengucapkan salam lebaran. Tapi masih belum terlambat rasanya.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1430H,
Maaf zahir & batin.

Semoga bergumbira selalu hendaknya, berbahagia disamping yang tersayang , kaum keluarga dan sahabat handai. Semoga lebaran kali ini lebih bermakna dan beerti bagi kalian semua.

Tahun ni, as u know, is my first time, berhari raya bersama sang suami di perantauan. Meski jauh dari keluarga, adik-adik dan sanak saudara, lebaran kami tetap meriah. Ketupat, lemang, rendang dan segala macam kueh raya tetap terhidang.
Kemeriahan raya tetap dirasai dengan memenuhi jemputan open house di sana sini.
Well, it's been a wonderful Eid Mubarak.
with fellow friends to share the joyful celebration together.

p/s: curious sei, camner pak2 arab nie celebrate raye. xnmpk2 pon deme2 ni. ahai~~

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0 comments Monday, September 14, 2009

I can't wait for Thusday...





~Me will meet my hubby~


plus, dapat naik emirates, direct flight tau.. @ a very..very..very cheap tix! Berbaloi-baloi..

read more “Thursday”

me talking about my H.U.S.B.A.N.D

2 comments Friday, September 11, 2009

Found this @ kak mim's blog. Well, it sounded I am bored~~ Let's do it!

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
He doesn't really watch TV, he will dose off if he tries too..

2. You're out to eat, what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?

The normal thousand island will do, even olive oil pun ok.

3. What's one food he doesn't like?
Not so sure... hmm.. semua die makan je nengok.. Ke aku yg tak tau?

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
Eat: Depending on what he is craving for. Drink: Chai a.k.a teh tarik

5. Where did he go to high school?
SM Sains Tunku Jaafar a.k.a STJ

6. What size shoe does he wear?

Size 41 (equivalent to size 8 for men)

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Previously, shoes and bags. Now, it's more on his DSLR's accessories.

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?

He loves a mouthful sandwich, meaning.. ada semuanya.. mayo, vege, chicken/meat..

9. What would this person eat every day if he could?

Ice cream, yogurt and chocholate.

10. What is his favorite cereal?

Plenty. He loves anything that is related to milk!

11. What would he never wear?

My low cut jeans!

12. What is his favorite sports team?

Nada.. Is this referring only to football team?

13. Who did he vote for?
He never vote. Never will I guess...

14. Who is his best friend?
I would say his DSLR and me. Whom he carries around on his shoulder and in his heart. (Ewwah~~)

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?

Talk and drive. I admitted that I may be a bit annoying if I do it. (Memekak je...So, he will NEVER, EVER, let me drive when he is around, esp kalu traffic jam!)

16. What is his heritage?
Malay. I think so, both his parents is from Perak wiv no whatsoever, other unknown dialect spoken...

17. What is his favourite colour?

18. What is his habit?
Whenever he is tired/thinking, he will massage his forehead. When I tried it, I found that it is very soothing.. (^^').

19. What is he proud of?
Me. (erk.. bukan membangga diri, tapi, kenyataan...)

20. Who he loves the most?

His mom, his family,
only then it is me..

read more “me talking about my H.U.S.B.A.N.D”

10 things that is/will make my Aidilfitri ::different::

0 comments Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tahun ni, sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri agak berbeza.



1) Disambut bersama sang suami tercinta.
2) Sambutan raya berjauhan dari family, sbb teman sang suami beraya diperantauan
3) Kene prepare juadah raya sendiri wiv no mums to rely on.
4) No more jalan2 pusing2 umah sedara, kinda wonder how's the celebration there in dxb.
5) Budget raya bertambah sbb ada xtra xtended family now.
6) Definitely no lemang (in buluh), no ketupat (in kelongsong kelapa), smua segera..
7) My guess, no bunga api
8) Celebrating hari raya with total stangers (M'sian there in dxb)
9) Merasa packing 'balik kg' (but to dxb of course)
10) Confirm xdapat du8 raye dari parents dah~~ hope sang suami bagi.. lalala..


Orang kata, "There is always the first time". So, I guess, this year raya celebration will let me experience plenty of 'first's.

read more “10 things that is/will make my Aidilfitri ::different::”

raya fever~~

1 comments Tuesday, September 8, 2009
dah terasa belum?
kat radio dah start dah lagu raya..
kat shopping complex xyah cakap la beb..

skang ni, kalo pergi hot spot zone membeli belah or even, in fact just any shopping mall, mmg penuh umat. hilang dah takut H1N1. hahaha.. tak terkecuali dirikula beb.. pastu, sale.. mmg buleh tahan la kan.. sangatlah the happening sei~ well, diriku juga terjebak. sudahnya, bende tak perlu pun diangkut gak.. total baju raya? patut2 just 3, dah jadi 4 (almost na jadi 5 beb!) hahaha.. patut2 shopping untuk hubby, terbeli untuk diri sendiri.. adoih~~

apa yang aku terbeli??
1. sluar jeans
2. shirt --> dua keping beb!
3. t-shirt
4. aksesori ntah apa2 beb.. (belt x2, ring, etc)
5. baju kurung (kale oren terang sei~~)
6. shawl.. comei2 plak~
7. kueh raye... xcited sudeh~~

apa lagi ek? adalah lagi bende2 lain yg haku pun dah x ingat..

yang pastinya.. sbb sronok membeli-belah.. lupa beb.. raya ni pakai lebih byk du8. selamat la beb.. hahaha..
nasib ada site income! zas! mmg hepi raya aku tahun ni!

terima kasih bisnesku~ ahaks.
read more “raya fever~~”

langit tidak selalu cerah

0 comments Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ya betul, langit itu tidak selalunya cerah.

Langit juga tidak akan selamanya mendung..

Sebagai manusia, mustahil rasanya jika tiada musibah melanda. Dihujani musibah, bukan bermakna kita harus meratapinya. Fikirkan sebaliknya, carilah keredhaanNya disebalik musibah yang melanda. Disebalik semua musibah/dugaan/cubaan/kesukaran yang diberikan, insyaAllah, we can manage it. Bersyukurlah, kita sekurang2nya sedar dari lamunan dan kealpaan hidup.

Well, I want to share a zikr, which is good to be recite over and over again, tatkala musibah menjenguk kita.

Laa ilaaha illa anta subhaanaka innee kuntu minaz zaalimeen.
"There is none worthy of worship but You. Perfect are You. I was one of the wrongdoers." (Tirmidhi)

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Berbuka puasa~~

2 comments Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Puasa na masuk hari ke-13..
Bagaimana dengan puasa kita semua? Harap2 semua ok2 belaka..

Rasanya start dari last weekend, semperna long weekend due to Merdeka celebration, dah start dah, majlis berbuka puasa di sana sini. Huih! Meriah! Jemputan merata. Ada yang f.r.e.e. Ada yang ala-ala reunion party. Ada yang sponsored. Yang ala-ala gossip session pun ada. Ahaks!

So, same goes to me too. The list goes on....

First day pose, me home..for relatives side abah.
2nd day pose, umah makngah.
Last Rabu, hangout wiv Sarah n Anna @ Pyramid.
Last Saturday, umah mak mertua.
Last Sunday, umah Cik El.
Tadi, chill out wiv Sarah @ Pyramid again~.

Upcoming invitation:

Next Saturday, JW Marriot wiv xBP's mate! Reunion party..
Next Sunday, reunion wiv xKRS troop @ Bukit Raja
Next2 Sunday, kenduri kat kampung.

Well, at least, the spirit is to get together2. Ok la tue. Looking forward to more invitations..
Before me fly to dxb~~

read more “Berbuka puasa~~”

Sebelum iftar

2 comments Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Apa yang meriahnya iftar di Malaysia? Atau lebih tepat lagi, sebelum iftar?

YA! Pasar Ramadhan, a.k.a PARAM.

Meriahnya lain macam!
Bikin mereka2 yang diperantauan tidak tenteram!

Kita yang di Malaysia sure xrasa heran sangat, tapi, kemeriahan juadah berbuka puasa, suasana hiruk pikuk param, mencuit hati deme2 yang diperantauan.. apa na buat~~ sabar aja ya..

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