Premium Beautiful :extended ver.:
0 comments Saturday, August 29, 2009Apa itu premium beautiful? Have anyone ever heard about it? To be honest, I don't. Masa mula2 diperkenalkan oleh my friend Kak Za, dia tunjukkan testimonial PB. Saya amat tertarik dengan kelebihan2 PB. Saya juga telah mencubanya selama 2 minggu. Alhamdullilah best sangat pakai PB ni sampai tak nak pakai baju dalam yang lain.
Pengalaman saya selama saya memakai Premium Beautiful:
- Selera makan kurang
- Kerap buang air kecil & besar
- Kerap buang angin (kerap sendawa, saya selalu sukar utk buang angin)
- Gastric pain tak ada
- Lebih bertenaga
- Sakit kepala berkurangan
- Girdle tidak bergulung spt yg terdapat di pasaran
- Breatheable material (aquatek & aquadyne)
Kelebihan kualiti kain Premium Beautiful :
- Rekabentuk stereoskopik sinar infra merah jauh yang berdasarkan potongan rangka badan manusia. Ia berfungsi mendorong peredaran darah dan proses metabolisme.
- Kuasa serapan yang baik, sesuai untuk dipakai seharian, pakaian dalam yang boleh dicuci dan tahan lama.
- Kuasa regangan dalam semua hala. Dapat diregang secara 360 darjah mengikut pergerakan badan tanpa mengubahkan rekabentuk asalnya.
- Sinar infra merah jauh (FIR) yang dapat menambahkan kekenyalan dan ketegangan buah dada dan menggiatkan tumbesaran buah dada.
Kebaikan FIR (Far Infrared Rays)
What is Far Infrared therapy (FIR) and what does it do:
Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body's surface temperature and activate major bodily functions.
Far Infrared expands capillaries which stimulates increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation.
2) Far Infrared is excellent for detox. Scientists in Japan report that in the FIR treatment of clogged capillary vessels, heat expands the capillaries and then initiates the start of a process to dissolve hidden toxins. Far Infrared thereby promotes elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood: Poisons, carcinogenic heavy metals - toxic substances from food processing - lactic acid, free fatty acids, and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue - excess sodium associated with hypertension - and uric acid which causes pain. Furthermore, if sebaceous glands are activated, accumulated cosmetics in pores can be eliminated through the skin (sweat and oil glands) rather than by the kidneys.
3) Far Infrared stimulates enzyme activity and metabolism - One hour under the HotHouse burns over 900 calories by raising the metabolism and body temperature. FIR heat also breaks down cellulite - trapped water, fat and waste.
4) Far Infrared promotes the killing of many pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
5) Far Infrared promotes rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury). Furthermore, it increases growth of cells, DNA syntheses, and protein synthesis all necessary during tissue repair and regeneration. Excellent for healing burns, scar tissue and skin problems.
6) Far Infrared relieves nervous tension and relax autoneuro muscles thereby helping the body make the most of its intended healing abilities. FIR reduces soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms, as muscle fibers are heated.
7) Far Infrared strengthens the Immune System by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus.
8) Far Infrared strengthens the Cardiovascular System by causing heart rate and cardiac output increase, and diastolic blood pressure decrease - Extensive research by NASA in the early 1980's led to the conclusion that far infrared stimulation of cardiovascular function would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flight.
Terdiri daripada 3 bahagian iaitu:
1. Cawan coli dengan 3 keping jahitan stereoskopik dapat menolak atas, menyokong dan menetapkan kedudukan buah dada.
2. Rawan keluli memori berfungsi untuk menetap dan menyokong buah dada.
3. Rekaan kuasa tekanan dan regangan berganda pada bahagian depan coil dapat menyelaras perut yang buncit lalu meninggikan kedudukan kontur buah dada.
4. 2 batang keluli berupaya untuk menyelaras dan membentuk kontur badan.
5. Rekaan kuasa tekanan dan regangan berganda pada bahagian belakang coli dapat menutupi bahagian belakang badan, dapat menyelaraskan lebihan lemak pada bahagian belakang , turut mengatasi masalah berbadan besar.
6. Rekaan bentuk ' U ' pada bahagian belakang coli bukan sahaja dapat menguruskan badan, malahan menambah kontur bahagian belakang.
7. Perhiasan berlian berbentuk rama - rama menonjolkan keunggulan produk.
8. Rekaan 3 pasang cangkuk membolehkan anda membuat penyelarasan yang sesuai.
1.Tujuh batang keluli memori dapat menyokong pinggang dan menegakkan tulang vertebra, turut berupaya memperbaiki postur berdiri dan duduk.
2.Rekaan unik berdasarkan potongan rangka badan manusia, memperkuat pengagihan lemak pada bahagian pinggang ke bahagian dada dan punggung secara serata, turut mencapai kesan pembentukan badan yang seimbang.
3.Tali kenyal yang diimport dari Jepun, membantu menyelaraskan kontur pinggang.
4.Rekaan secara fleksibel, menghasilkan kesan pembentukan berdasarkan kesesuaian badan individu.
5.Rekaan 3 pasang cangkuk membolehkan anda membuat penyelarasan yang sesuai.
6.Perhiasan berlian berbentuk rama ¨C rama menonjolkan keunggulan produk.
Long Girdle
1. 32 kepingan jahitan stereoskopik, berdasarkan teori mampatan berserpihan, mengagihkan lebihan lemak ke arah bahagian badan yang bersesuaian.
2.Rekaan dan jahitan unggul cawan pinggul dapat membetulkan pinggul yang lentur, membentuk kontur pinggul yang mempesona dan meninggikan pinggul.
3.Mengasingkan kontur peha dan pinggul, mengagihkan lebihan lemak pada peha ke dalam cawan pinggul dan membentuk kontur pinggul yang sempurna.
4.Dilengkapi dengan kain jenis kapas yang selesa pada bahagian dalam pinggang seluar dapat memperbaiki dan membentuk kontur pinggang yang mempesona.
5.Perhiasan berlian berbentuk rama ¨C rama menonjolkan keunggulan produk.
6.Mampatan yang tetap ke atas abdomen dapat mengurangkan lebihan lemak lalu memperbaiki masalah perut yang buncit.
7.Rekaan mampatan 2 lapisan berfungsi menyelaraskan lemak pada sekitar peha, membentuk kontur peha yang menarik.
8.Penggunaan 2 lapisan kain kapas berlubang kecil berfungsi untuk memberi keselesaan.
9.Penggunaan renda yang fleksible, mengelakkan perasaan tidak menyenangkan akibat pergeseran dengan benang seluar.
“ Saya telah berputus asa untuk menguruskan badan, malah tidak tefikir dapat menurunkan berat badan sebanyak 8kg dalam masa 3 bulan.”
“Saya mula rasa rendah diri dan tercabar apabila rakan –rakan, saudara mara terutamanya suami menegur keadaan tubuh saya, sehingga ada yang menyatakan saya kelihatan lebih berumur dari usia sebenar!. Sebaik sahaja pulang dari US, saya berazam untuk menguruskan badan tetapi tidak kesampaian. Sehinggalah seorang rakan meperkenalkan saya dengan PB. Alhamdullilah selepas 5 bulan memakainya, tubuh saya mula kembali terbentuk (shaping), dan berat dari 66kg kini turun ke 58kg. Apa yang membanggakan saya ialah, suami juga telah memuji bentuk saya sekarang” .
"Selain memiliki bentuk badan yang semakin menarik saya juga berasa lebih cergas dan sihat kerana penyakit-penyakit seperti lelah, migraine, gastric, tonsil dan sengal badan semakin berkurangan."
“Pada pendapat saya, walaupun ada yang menyatakan harga pakaian PB ini tinggi, tetapi untuk memiliki bentuk tubuh yang menarik dan kesihatan fizikal yang berpanjangan adalah asset yang paling berharga dan tidak ternilai dari wang ringgit. Lagipun PB ini terdapat 3 keistimewaannya jika diamalkan dna berdisiplin memakainya iaitu 1) ia membantu membentuk tubuh 2) untuk kesihatan 3) membantu dalam hubungan intim suami isteri” jelas Wan panjang lebar yang mendisiplinkan diri memakai PB selama 8 jam sehari bagi mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan dalam masa yang singkat.
"Saya telah berkahwin selama 3 tahun dan tidak dikurniakan cahayamata. Alhamdullilah setelah 3 bulan saya mencuba PB ini saya disahkan mengandung! PB bukan sahaja untuk menurunkan berat badan malah membantu wanita yang sukar mengandung"
My clients:
"I dah turun 3kg in 5 days! So amazing!!" - Hanis
"Akak penah pakai brand C***y, tak sama macam PB! PB ni tak bergulung langsung kat bhgian girdle dia & selera makan pun dah kurang ,asek buang angin jer!" - Kak Ita
"baru 5 hari pakai dah pakai cangkuk yang paling kecik!" - Siti
Contact me thru:
YM or email:
5D = Duduk diam-diam dapat duit?
0 comments Friday, August 28, 2009Uiks.. Seronoknyer.. Duduk diam-diam, dapat duit. Kalaulah betul.. Alangkah bestnyer..
Pokok itu~~
0 comments Thursday, August 27, 2009DARIPADA Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah (saw) ada bersabda, bermaksud: “Apabila seorang mati, putuslah amalannya kecuali tiga perkara, (iaitu): Sedekah jariah, ilmu yang memberi faedah kepada orang lain atau anak yang salih yang berdoa untuknya.” – (Riwayat Muslim dan lain-lain termasuk Imam Ahmad. Mustika Hadis 3:312)
Oh my... It's 71 already~~
1 commentsI was listening to the radio en route to work this morning. And I was shocked that there is another death cause by the pandemic influenza A H1N1. Oh no! My oh my... When will the number stop? Correct me if I am wrong, I think that the rate of death in Malaysia too rapid. I mean, for a country that reported the first case after WHO announced phase 6 and dozens of other country have been infected. Huh! Read here for update from MOH.
Dear reader, we have to take action. Yup! We must act. How to? TAKE PREVENTION.. (well, if you can do the 'family planning', u sure can do this!).
Prevention of Influenza A H1N1.
- Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue upon coughing and sneezing followed by proper disposal of the tissue.
- Assuring adequate and thorough handwashing and use alcohol based hand cleansers (if possible).
- Encouraging pursuit of medical evaluation at earliest onset of symptoms. (Now that all hospitals is alerted, there is a dedicated measure to handle influenza like illness (ILI)).
- Staying home form work and/or school upon onset and for the duration of symptoms.
- Use of masks to those who are exhibiting symptoms or who are ill, those who are not, it is encourage to wear mask when you are in public places.
- Avoiding contact with ill persons, maintain a 3 to 6 foot perimeter around a coughing patient.
- Keep the workplace / study classes, workstations and clean with alcohol based hand cleansers, especially items commonly shared with other people. (Ehem, I know it seems hard to be done, well, if you can do it, sgtla bagus).
- Providing tissues in common areas of homes, common and public areas. (Sedekah jariah di bulan Ramadhan).
- Call your doctor for advice.
p/s: Wish that the highly anticipated vaccine will be fairly distribute, so as the antiviral.
p/s/s: I did not meant any discrimination ok, with the tagline in the pic. =p
My Sister's Keeper
0 comments Tuesday, August 25, 2009I love this line: Kate says, "I don't mind my disease killing me. But it's killing my family, too!". Well, we might not realise that sometimes, our loves is so huge (in this movie, Sara), that it engulfs us, resulting us to be over protective. Hurting others along the way. Maybe the key in handling this is 'balance'.
Anyhow, enjoy the movie guys, I totally recommends it.
Bau Ketiak Lelaki Menjadi Penawar Tension?
0 commentsBenarkah bau ketiak lelaki mampu menjadi penawar kepada gejala tekanan yang dialami oleh wanita? Kenyataan ini dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Biologi Manusia di University Pennsylvania beberapa tahun lalu. Kajian dilakukan di sana membuktikan bahawa peluh lelaki membantu kaum wanita menurunkan tekanan melancarkan perjalanan haid.
Menurut laporan Jurnal Biology of Reproduction America. Sebelum ini, bau ketiak lelaki yang sengaja "diproses” daripada lelaki yang tidak memakai deodoran digunakan sebagai bahan ujikaji bagi mencari bukti bahawa hidung wanita boleh “digoda” dengan bau lawan sejenisnya.
Dalam uji kaji yang dilakukan, wangian semulajadi itu kemudian di sapukan ke atas bibir puluhan wanita berumur 25 dan 45 tahun tanpa memberitahu ia dalah bau peluh lelaki dan hanya diberitahu bahawa mereka sedang menguji satu aroma wangian tersebut. Enam jam pertama selepas itu, skala mood wanita yang di sapu wangian yang diperbuat daripada peluh ketiak lelaki tersebut diukur.
Hasilnya sungguh unik. Selain boleh mencerahkan mood, wangian ketiak lelaki ternyata dapat membuatkan wanita menjadi kurang tegang…. dipetik dari majalah PA&MA…Feb 2004…kalau tak caya…
Hehehe.. What do you think? This is what I get from an e-mail from a friend of mine. Hmm.. agak yucky.. but, its a proven fact it seems. Plus, its ur hubby.. right? I think, its not those sweats lepas hubby balik jogging/riding etc. But more to just a mild odour unconsciously dirembeskan by them. Well, I love to snuggle to this particular area of my hubby, it is just so comfy there. Tak sangka plak yg ada scientific research on this. =)
Sleepy head
0 comments Monday, August 24, 2009I wish I can sleep now.. :P
Ramadhan al-Mubarak
0 comments Friday, August 21, 2009Salam Ramadhan, buat semua muslimin dan muslimat. mohon ampun salah dan silap. semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih bererti dan diberkati buat kalian semua.
1 comments Sunday, August 16, 2009For both of us, this is our first timer. Kekeke.. Slalu dok nmpak kalu lalu lalang kat area neh. Tapi, xpernah singgah. Location, agak mencabar, since jalan en route ke area tue is under construction. Deco, simple giler but comfy (mb leh improve kitchen area).
So, we order.. I am not so hungry (sbb baru balik makan kat IOI Palm Garden).. But Sarah is. So, me opt for something yg akan disediakan in a small portion. (Guys, the plate there is HUGE ok. And so does the servings apparently..)
Belek punya belek, I decided to have lasagna + mango juice.
Sarah plak, seafood spagetthi + iced lemon tea.
My order is here! ...The lasagna...
Sarah's order is here... the seafood spagetthi~~
Sarah manage to finish up her spaghetti. Me? Lalalala.. Can not go lah~
Bukan x sodap.. Tapi no space sudeh dlm perutku..
Maybe next time. Make sure pergi pabila betul2 lapau! Kekeke..
All in all... we have a fun dinner di malam minggu~~
It’s a fact of life that we must endure every single day….
0 comments Saturday, August 15, 2009Ok..
Average income for someone age like us mostly I can say RM2500..
RM2500 - loan kete (for kancil, kelisa, myvi or seangkatan dgnnye) RM 500 = RM 2000
RM 2000 - sewa rumah RM 450 = RM 1550
RM 1550 - (prepaid / phone line 150.00 + bil air, letrik 150.00) = RM 1250
RM 1250 / 30 days = RM 41.60 sehari
RM 41.66 sehari - (breakfast 10.00 + lunch 10.00 + tea 4.00) = RM 17.66
RM 17.66 - (minyak kete 10.00 + tol 4.00) = RM 3.66
p/s: semua perbelanjaan kt atas I amik very minimum and average amount….tu tak termasuk if mase lunch u makan kt fine dining ke watsoever..
Ok now, RM 3.66 x 30 days = RM 109.80
Dengan RM 3.66 ni how can we allocate for:
- savings
- expenses untuk keperluan seharian cth utk wanita ; pencuci muka, make up watsoever..
- duit nk bagi mak ayah
- duit pampers and susu anak2..
- insurance
- tak campur lagi duit kene bayar bibik or nusery..
- lagi2 nk raye ni…nk beli baju raye, kasut raye, perbelanjaan masak utk raye, duit raye..
Grand Total—————>nk ikutkan jumlah dh NEGATIF dh…
So means, situation macam ni will go on and on sampaila kite pencen…20 over years to go…
and after 25 years kite mesti dah nk pencen…pencen with no savings pulak tu…
Cane nk survive , nk beli makan and keperluan asas if lets say kite hidup sampai 80 tahun..
Harge barang dh naik mendadak coz inflation rate like 10%-12% dh nowadays..
Tak campur lagi belanja hospital or klinik kalau kite sakit…makin tua makin sakit…belanje hospital 25 years later dh mahal..
Ermmm cane pulak nk bayar loan, loan kete, bil2…
Takkan tak shopping seumur hidup…..
Kite realize tak lebih gaji kite tiap2 bulan RM 108.90————>gaji bibik indon pun lagi besar…RM500 sebulan, dapat bersih je..sebab makan minum, tmpt tinggal, api, air semua kite yg bayar…and now ,kt kawasan umah i ni , if kite panggil cleaner indon suruh cuci rumah, die charge 3 jam RM50..wah..dh ikut jam dah sekarang…and satu hari diorang bersihkan 10 rumah…RM 50x 10 = RM500…..RM 500 sehari x 30 = tak RM15 0000 sebulan…!!!!!!
Kite still tanak buat pape ke…still nk suka ria lagi bergolek depan tv…this is the fact of life…..ekonomi melayu dh jatuh no 4 after org cina, india, indon then baru melayu..pastu baru bangla…
Hmmmmm…..tak pening kite…Fikir2lah sendiri…
Fun Friday
0 commentsI've decided since yesterday that I will GO for a movie outing, regardless if I have to go alone, watching G.I. Joe: Rise of the cobra. So I did (alone!). This is where the FUN began!
They changed my tire, dengan pantas and cekap (hahaha.. macam slalu jadik je). I said tq and quickly made my move. I should be xtra sempoi and took some pics. But I'm nervous ok. Thus, no pics to be shared!
Sampai2 di IOI, I missed the 4.30 pm show! Zas! Penat je berebut paking. Call TGV hotline, check showtime @ Pyramid and sepantas kilat I drove there, park @ my usual spot, take the lift and zas, queued! Tindakan pantas disebabkan kecekapan yg teramat ngan TGV Pyramid, hehehe.. dapat la seat for the next show, 5.30pm.
For the next 118 minutes, it was FUN. Serius best! I never actually follow the cartoon or comic or even buy hasbro's product of G.I. Joe. Penah la dengarkan.. ngetop tue masa kecik2. But me is gurl. Me don't like wars! The truth is, I really went for this movie because of Channing Tatum. Yeah! It's lame.. but really, wasn't he the sweetest guy ever? Please girls. Watch his dance moves..You'll definately fall for him... But his married.. (Who cares!)
There are plenty of video u can watch @ youtube.. I decided to choose this.
I so loikeee (tiru style ren jap) the songs that they used for the movie. Nice OST. Hahaha.. sempat pulak kan. I don't want to tell you how the story goes.. You can read it elsewhere, or better still watch it. You will LOVE it. My rating. 9/10. Almost perfect. Cool CGI, nice effects, love the direction, unbelievable cool gadgets and its fun to see Channing alot! Hehehehe.. Plus, I'm a chemist who deal with nanotech (suatu ketika dulu & kini skit2). I'm impressed! You'll know why once u watch the movie...
Once the movie is over, since I've been craving for it, I walk briskly to the nearest Starbucks (can u imagine how?). Kekeke.. since I'm alone, I need to be xtra careful rite? So.. grab my frapp, quickly (almost running) to autopay, get into my car and walla.. off to Damansara Damai.
Well, I made a 'journey' to Shah Alam first.. Only on the federal tough, thinking that I can persuade my fren for a dinner. Nope I did not succeed in the persuation mission, so, zoom... me off to Damasara Damai thru' NKVE in only 20 min. For what? Well, my class..
Nope I did not take any xtra education. (I will definately make a new post on this! Tunggu~~). So, punyalah xcited, I xsedar its 1.30 am already. Wow! Must make my way home. Hahahaha.. Try to guess, how long did I took to get home? Kekeke.. The hway is clear. So, I kinda step on the pedal a bit too much. I reach home before 2 am. Hehehe.. My speed? Don't ask! Kita tunggu jelah if any saman is coming~~
Today is my Fun Friday! I have fun~~ kinda in a 'not so normal way' to have fun~~
I do.. I hope you do too..
movie marathon!!!
0 comments Friday, August 14, 2009p/s: the alpha dog's 'not so alpha voice' really is a fun scene!
Next.. G.I. Joe: The rise of cobra~~
(kat wayang la plak.. let my lappy take a rest)
What movies do you want to see?
3 comments Thursday, August 13, 2009Here is what I gather and it is ME selections, may not be urs, but u may like them~~
- The Time Traveler's Wife (uhuks Eric Bana baby)
- My Sister's Keeper (Diaz & Abigail is in.. so emotional..must bring Kleenex)
- UP (hahahaha. Fun all the way!)
- The Ugly Truth (Gerald Butler is baaack!!!)
- Julie & Julia (Meryl Streep strikes again!)
- G.I. Joe (I know it is screening.... will go... demi Canning!)
- Public Enemies (Jonny Depp sei! as the villain?)
- All About Steve (ni, comfirm dl ja)
- Short (fun.. dl ja)
- Funny People (Adam Sandler is back vs Eric Bana? yew)
- Is Anybody There? (Cool~~)
- The Hangover (kinda wonder what happen exactly..)
- District 9 (Peter Jackson's... may be cool rite?)
- New Moon (duh~~ a MUST see. I'm a Twilighter remember...)
- 500 Days of Summer (Sundace!)
- Earth (a true to life documentary.. must watch)
- Gamer (this is beyond cool, its a bit way too cruel, but Gerald Butler is in..)
- Ponyo (another work of Hayao Miyazaki [Studio Gibli]..must see.. kawaii)
- The Blind Side (ooohh.. another Sandra's movie.. nice~~)
Hehehehe... I may not going to watch them at cinema, downloading them pun is a method of watching the movies rite? (Is it not legal? Who cares....)
***updated: those in red, me watch already~~
Outing wiv dear Sarah
0 commentsSo, we ended up at TGV Sunway Pyramid for Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past! At first when she suggested the muvie, me say no. "Xnak ah tgk citer antoo and citer berat2" Then I google it. Well guess what my Matt is in the muvie. Matthew McConaughey. With the sweet Jen Garner. (not a good enough pair for my Matt tough!) And it is NOT an antoo or heavy movie. It's a sweet romantic comedy movie. Yay!!
We have fun~~ (even though the subway sandwich is not so mengenyangkan). The movie is a really fun and full with funny + dirty sexy script. kekekeke.. I have fun, we have fun, and the boys in the cinema certainly have fun with the sexy babe in the show!
You may find the trailer here. (Somehow I can't embed it here. Sigh!
Tq cik Sarah for the luvly outing. Buat slalu k.
Premium Beautiful - Sense of beauty
0 comments Tuesday, August 11, 2009Here are few facts on Premium Beautiful:
- Cut based on the body's three-dimensional design using stereoscopic infrared rays for absolute precision and delicacy. It help blood circulation and metabolism creating complete synergy with the human body.
- Excellent in absorbing sweat and allowing air circulation. It ca be washed with ease while retaining its durability over time.
- Can be stretched in all directions, its 36o degree elasticity fully acccomodates the body's activity without losing any of the original shape.
- The infrared rays help improve the elasticity and firmness of the breast while promoting their development.
Feel free to contact me: iwed_rsd[at]yahoo[dot]com
Premium Beautiful, it's a living wonder to be explored.
0 comments Monday, August 10, 2009takdirku diberi dugaan diusia sebegini...
tetapkan semangatku, ketabahanku...
demi menghadapi demam campak ini...
serius, dah tua bangka baru kena...x seswai~~
tapi at least, i get plenty of MC. nice. super nice.
but super delay in works.. (*-*)
who cares~~ (at least for now)
lets enjoy the off day on the working days~~~
off to melaka~~
2 comments Saturday, August 1, 2009Wish our safe trip, pergi dan pulang. Will definitely share the experience
Can't wait to have *pinky to show her talent again.. (dah sengal setting yg pelbagai on *pinky)
p/s: I am supposed to bring my famous puding roti, tapi cam x sempat na bake je ni.. lalala.. @_@